
Planet centauri best weapon
Planet centauri best weapon

planet centauri best weapon

During this time, several rich members in the ISA began the construction of the SD Defense Network in favor of maintaining an extensive space fleet.Īt some point, Vekta experienced a smaller scale conflict limited to Vekta, known as the "First Vektan War". More than a century after the First Extrasolar War, the Vektan ISA High Command began ending the blockade of Helghan in 2304. The ISA has had its fill of the native Vektan's unruliness and acts of terror, and to the UCN the planet is of no value, and so they are left to their own devices while subjecting Helghan to blockades and restrictions until diplomatic relations are normalized. The ISA agreed, and so began the exodus, as millions of disgruntled colonists make their way to the toxic and inhospitable Helghan.

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The ISA Governor General would respond to the growing terrorism by deploying the ISA to put down these attacks, and push back against the Helghan population.Įventually, the Helghan in desperation negotiated with the ISA in allowing them to resettle on planet Helghan. In the early days of the Earth colonists settlement the native Vektans began a campaign of terror and intimidation against the Earth-loyal minority. The local ISA was given authority over Vekta and UCN colony ships began making their way to Vekta-much to the native population's chagrin.

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After UCA forces finally reached Alpha Centauri, the ISA fought alongside the UCA and made quick work of the Helghan Customs Service, arresting all of the Administration's civil servants, as are any executives of the Helghan Corporation.Īfter the First Extrasolar War had ended the Helghan Administration, Vekta was ripe for UCN settlement. Many ISA forces were able to escape from the initial fighting and engaged in hit-and-run operations from hidden bases. Despite being outnumbered by the Helghan Administration's military, the ISA proved to be more experienced and well equipped than their Helghan counterparts. In the very early 23rd century, ISA Alpha Centauri would see its first major conflict, in a war against the Helghan Administration who had seceded from the United Colonial Nations after a dispute over trade had gone poorly.

Planet centauri best weapon